Saturday, January 23, 2010

Jogging is good for your heart and soul~ i went jogging around Puncak Alam campus with my friend also roommate Anis Hazwani. It was a good stroll and i felt much better. previously my mind is so jumbled with little bits and pieces..but now i feel geared up to live my day with a brighter smile..thank you my friend for being there for me (i don't know if you're reding this anis..hehe)but i'm grateful for having a good and understanding friend like you..may Allah bless you always..

Oh ya, tadi sebenarnya sambil2 jogging nak gi cucuk duit kat atm bank islam yg satu2nya di puncak alam..but so unfortunate cuz it was out-of-order..hu3..i hope it will be fixed tomorrow..i'm so pokai right now..heee~

Thursday, January 21, 2010

saje je nak update blog nie..huhu

Salam..hai there!=D

kaklong saje je nak tulis sket ttg pengalaman kaklong wat attachment kat hospital kajang hari tu..
baru jaa selasa and rabu lepas..ok laa..dpt kat DIS (Drug Info Service)..ok..tu jela buat masa ni..nanti apa2 yg menarik berlaku, insyaallah akan ku update..tu pon kalu rajen laa..heh..penat gak rupanya attach kat hosptal ne..adeh..xpela..kuatkan semngat umairah..becuz i want to be a good pharmacist..i want to be the best!! Berusaha!!~

p.s. doakan daku kalian ye...thanks a lot..hehehe ^^,